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"Graphite Design Tour AD TP Wood Shafts"
"Brand new for the 2017 season, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD TP. Designed and manufactured at the..

"Graphite Design Tour AD HY Shafts"
"Graphite Design introduces the latest addition to the Tour AD premium line of hybrid golf shafts, the Tour AD HY. Designed and manufactured at the Graphite Design Japan factory ..

"Graphite Design Tour AD F Series FWY Shaft"
"Brand new for the 2017 season, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD F-Series Fairway metal-wood specific..

"Graphite Design Tour AD IZ Wood Shaft"
"Brand new for the 2018 season, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD IZ – “Into the Z..

"Graphite Design MAD Pro Wood Shaft"
"The team in the R&D lab at Graphite Design Japan went all out when designing the new Graphite Design MAD wood shafts. A challenge was issued to them to design a shaft th..

"Graphite Design MAD Wood Shaft"
"The team in the R&D lab at Graphite Design Japan went all out when designing the new Graphite Design MAD wood shafts. A challenge was issued to them to design a shaft th..

"Graphite Design Tour AD VR Wood Shafts"
"「TOUR AD VR」は、近年の高初速化を狙う様々なヘッドテクノロジーの性能を最大限に活かす事をコンセプトに開発されました。手元部分の剛性を上げ、強い切り返しにも負けないシャープな鋭い..

"Graphite Design Tour AD IZ Hybrid Shaft"
"Brand new for the 2019 season, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of hybrid golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD IZ – “Int..

"Graphite Design Tour AD XC Wood Shaft"
"New for 2020, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design TourAD XC - designed for ""Xtra Carry."" ..

"Graphite Design Tour AD HD Wood Shaft"
"New for 2021, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD HD – Hyper Drive.  Designed and ma..

"Graphite Design Tour AD UB Wood Shaft"
"Brand new for 2022, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD UB – Up and Beyond.  Designe..

"Graphite Design Tour AD DI Wood Shaft"
"The Tour AD DI “DEEP IMPACT” is designed to provide golfers with more power and stability in their golf shaft. Designed and manufactured exclusively at the G..

"Graphite Design Tour AD Iron Shafts"
"The Tour AD 55-115g Iron Shafts complement the premium Tour AD wood and hybrid series of shafts very well. The Tour AD Irons are designed and manufactured exclusively at the Gra..

"Graphite Design Tour AD CQ Wood Shaft"
"Brand new for 2023, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD CQ – CONQUEST. Designed and manufactu..

"Graphite Design Tour AD VF Wood Shafts"
"Brand new for 2024, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD VF – Victory Force. Designed and manu..

"Graphite Design Tour AD VF Hybrid Shaft"
"The new Tour AD VF - VICTORY FORCE Hybrid shafts are designed to provide golfers with more power and stability in a hybrid golf shaft. Designed and manufactured exclusively at t..

"Graphite Design Tour AD GC Wood Shaft"
"Brand new for 2025, Graphite Design introduces the latest in the Tour AD premium line of golf shafts, the Graphite Design Tour AD GC – Game Changer. Designed and manuf..

"Graphite Design Tour AD DJ Shafts"
"深く厚いインパクト感にマイルド感をプラス インパクト時のブレを抑え、芯のある深く厚いインパクト感に、さらに弾き感を高め、方向性と飛距離性能をアップ。アベレージゴルファーに最適なシ..

"Graphite Design Tour AD BB Shafts"

"HONMA TW757 B Irons"
"Honma tradition meets high-tech. When Honma tradition meets modern tech, the result is TW757. With the world’s first carbon-slot technology and a family of multi-mate..

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