"UST シャフト mamiya Recoil 760/780 ES SmacWrap Iron Shaft" - ikoanショッピング-

"UST シャフト mamiya Recoil 760/780 ES SmacWrap Iron Shaft"

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"UST シャフト mamiya Recoil 760/780 ES SmacWrap Iron Shaft"

"UST Mamiya"

"Breakthrough technology for Breakthrough PerformanceRecoil 760/780 ES SmacWrap iron shafts are an evolution of the Recoil 760/780 ES models. These iron shafts are designed to provide maximum control and distance for all golfers through the latest in design and materials. We incorporated SMACWRAP into the shaft to provide better feel through higher damping rate. Recoil 760/780 ES SmacWrap iron shafts are offered in a brand new Recoil design and two different finishes, Ion Plated and Matte Black.• Recoil Technology provides optimal spring effect in the walls of the shaft and more efficient energy transfer to the ball for increased velocity and greater distance.ES = Enhanced Stability• Stiffer mid and butt produces better shot control• Softer tip improves feel and trajectory• Lower torque for improved shot dispersionSMACWRAP• SMACWRAP® is viscoelastic material that is able to bring a high amount of damping (vibration absorption) in composite structures when it is located strategically within a composite structure’s core. SMACWRAP® optimizes noise and vibration damping at the source in a smart way without any need of add-on damping products.スペックDescriptionFlexWeightTorqueLaunchButt ODTip ODTip ParallelLengthRecoil 760 ES SW F2 IPA68g4.1°Mid-High0.600""0.370""5.5""41""Recoil 760 ES SW F3 IPR70g4.1°Mid-High0.600""0.370""5.5""41""Recoil 780 ES SW F3 IPR83g3.6°Mid-High0.600""0.370""5.5""41""Recoil 780 ES SW F4 IPS87g3.5°Mid-High0.600"" 0.370"" 5.5"" 41""         Recoil 760 ES SW F2 BlackA67g4.1°Mid-High 0.600""  0.370""   5.5""  41""Recoil 760 ES SW F3 BlackR 69g  4.1°  Mid-High  0.600""  0.370""  5.5""  41"" Recoil 780 ES SW F3 BlackR82g 3.6°  Mid-High 0.600"" 0.370""   5.5""  41""Recoil 780 ES SW F4 BlackS86g3.5° Mid-High  0.600""  0.370""   5.5""  41"""



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