"Project X U Shaft"
"True Temper"
"Utility irons and hybrids are designed to perform differently than a traditional iron but are often paired with shafts designed for traditional irons. The new Project X Utility (U) was specifically crafted to work with utility and hybrid heads. The Project X team of engineers looked at what specific characteristics were needed to optimize utility club performance. They started with a lightweight design in all flexes to maintain clubhead speed while still providing the consistency of steel. As the shaft flex gets stiffer, Project X U utilizes varying geometries to lower launch—creating the optimized launch for each flex. Project X U features a unique brushed chrome finish that reduces glare and gives it a distinct look.TEMPO: MODERATETRAJECTORY: MEDIUMSPIN: MEDIUMスペックFLEX5.56.06.5WEIGHT105g110g110gLENGTH40.5""40.5""40.5""TIP DIAMETER.370"".370"".370""BUTT DIAMETER.600"".600"".600""SPINMid-HighMidMid-LowLAUNCHMid-HighMidMid-Low"