"ピン PING ゴルフ Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th Generation" - ikoanショッピング-

"ピン PING ゴルフ Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th Generation"

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"ピン PING ゴルフ Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th Generation"


"PING Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th GenerationiPhone4やiPodにダウンロードしパターに装備するだけで、簡単に自分のパッティングが確認できます。パターで5球を打ち、パッティングのストロークタイプ、インパクトアングル、テンポが一度にわかります!インパクトアングルは自分がオープンなのかクローズなのかが一目でわかります!iPINGさえあれば自分のパッティングスタイルが一目瞭然!パッティングが向上すること間違いなし!!凄すぎます!!あなたも是非試してみてください!The Ping Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th Generation holds an iPod Touch 4th Generationand attaches to most putters so the iPing App can enable your iPod Touch to analyze your impact angle in order to improve putting mechanics. The App also classifies your stroke type to help match you to the proper putter model for more consistency, measures the tempo of your stroke to improve control and compares your stroke with Tour pros and friends. The Ping Cradle, when used with the free iPing Putter App, turns your iPhone 4 into a personal putting coach.Developed by PING's engineers for all skill levels, the iPING putter app calculates and tracks your Putting Handicap™ (PHcp) to help improve your putting. All you need is the PING cradle and an iPhone 4 or iPod Touch (4th Gen) - the App is FREE. Practice and improve at your favorite golf course, at home, or on the road. Every session provides immediate results - leading to more consistency in your stroke.商品番号:PNG11000265 商品名:PING Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th GenerationProducts Code:PNG11000265 Products Name:PING Putting Cradle for iPod Touch 4th Generation"



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