"Nippon Shaft N.S.PRO 750GH Wrap Tech Shaft"
"Nippon Shaft"
"The N.S. PRO 750GH is designed for the better player that has a slower swing speed. The 750GH will promote a mid to high trajectory due to the unique structure that also creates a stable feeling.• Improved grip strength for a stable, fluid swing. • Faster head speed makes finding your tempo easy. • Four light, strong graphite filament sheets (Tetra-Axis) for less vibrations. • Revolutionary grip for ultimate accuracy. • The carry distance of graphite, the control of steel.スペックPRODUCTFLEXLENGTH INCH(IRON #)WEIGHT(G)BALANCE POINT(%)TORQUE(°)KICK POINTSHAFT DIAMETER(IN)ButtTipRI-2N16 PROR38.5-35(#3-w) PROS83.02.1"