ミウラ ゴルフ Tour Raw Wedge - ikoanショッピング-

ミウラ ゴルフ Tour Raw Wedge

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ミウラ ゴルフ Tour Raw Wedge


Precision Performance for ScoringThe Tour Wedge Series introduces golfers to the coveted legendary feel. Unlike other clubs that prioritize distance, this wedge emphasizes the precision and control essential for scoring. A new design, this is Miura's inaugural use of CNC milling for the face and grooves, enabling unparalleled spin control.TOUR-INSPIRED PRECISION AND FEELWith a Tour inspired look with Miura’s world-renowned forged feel these wedges are hand forged using Miura Golf’s 14-step manufacturing process. Like all forged irons from the Miura factory, the grain structure within the club head is the tightest in the industry. This creates less dispersion on off center hits as well as more control, regardless of the lie or conditions. The tour inspired head shape confidently aligns the golfer allowing for pinpoint accuracy.OPTIMAL BALL FLIGHTThe Tour Wedge is designed with a hollow back shape to create a higher center of gravity. The unique distribution of weight produces a stable trajectory while still allowing the player to "flight" the shot as necessary.LEADING EDGE & SOLE ENHANCEMENTSMore efficient turf interaction is made possible through the subtle leading edge and sole modifications. This includes the appropriate bounce angles on each specific irons while maintaining desired lie angles.PRECISION-FORGED WEDGESThe forging process, which does not lend itself to mass production, ensures each head achieves the desired =/- .5 gram weight tolerance. We stamp each wedge with the forged “Kanji” symbol, a Japanese character which translates to "striving" or "noble effort." Yoshitaka Miura wanted to give the golfer a wedge which not only instills confidence but encourages a swing without hesitation. What you see, feel and hear brings clarity to every shot.スペックLOFT48°50°52°54°56°58°60°LIE63.5°63.5°63.5°63.5°63.5°63.5°63.5°FACE PROGRESSION3.5mm4.5mm5.0mm4.5mm5.5mm6.0mm7.0mmBOUNCE7°7°10°10°12°10°10°WEIGHT296g296g298g300g300g304g304gLENGTH35.50"35.50"35.50"35.25"35.25"35.00"35.00"



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