"KBS シャフト TGI Tour Graphite Iron Shafts" - ikoanショッピング-

"KBS シャフト TGI Tour Graphite Iron Shafts"

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"KBS シャフト TGI Tour Graphite Iron Shafts"


"The KBS TGI – Tour Graphite Iron is designed for players looking for maximum steel like play-ability, shot control and performance in a graphite shaft, developed from optimized weight and stiffness. 10 Years ago, KBS Golf Shafts changed the way your Irons played and performed, now we are doing it AGAIN, with Graphite. Introducing the KBS TGI Tour Graphite Iron. The KBS Tour Graphite Iron is the first Graphite Shaft to play like KBS Steel with optimized weight and stiffness per player to gain maximum play-ability & performance. It is designed with the same E.I. curve as our KBS Tour Steel and is in every weight class to fit every player from Juniors to Women, to Tour Professionals.NOTE: (.370) Parallel Shaft is a single length shaft that will be Tip & Butt Trimmed to length. Trimming CAN change how the shaft will play. 3-PW will be 8 pcs.スペックTaper TipFLEXCLUBSWEIGHTTIPLENGTHBUTT OD.FINISHRegular2i-9i,PW,SW60g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteRegular+2i-9i,PW,SW70g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteStiff2i-9i,PW,SW80g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteStiff+2i-9i,PW,SW90g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteStiff++2i-9i,PW,SW95g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteX-Stiff2i-9i,PW,SW100g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteX-Stiff+2i-9i,PW,SW110g.35536""-39.5"".600Black MatteParallel TipFLEXCLUBSWEIGHTTIPLENGTHBUTT OD.FINISHLite/A1i-9i,PW50g.37041"".600Silver GlossRegular1i-9i,PW60g.37041"".600Black MatteRegular+1i-9i,PW70g.37041"".600Black MatteStiff1i-9i,PW80g.37041"".600Black Matte"



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