House of Forged シャフト ハウスオブフォージド Ultra Long Drive Shaft
House of Forged
House of Forged Ultra Long Drive Shaft ハウス オブ フォージド ウルトラ ロングドライバー シャフトUSドラコン界で数々の好成績を残し続けている「Ultra ロングドライバーシリーズ」。飛ばしを徹底追及し作られたこのシャフトは、アメリカのドラコン界で使用率No1の人気と実力!優れた性能を適材適所に使った複合素材シャフトです。贅沢な素材をふんだんに使った高級シャフトといっても過言ではありません。粘りのある力強い高弾道が魅力的なビッグドライブシャフト!どうもアダムスのヘッドとの相性がいいようですよ。 飛距離に悩んでいる方、もっと飛ばしたいという方は是非試してみてください!!ぶっ飛びの飛距離を体感できるかも!? “Ultra”… There have not been any changes to the specifications of this shaft; however, we have returned it to its original name of the “Ultra.” This lighter (65-72)-gram weight shaft has actually won more RE/MAX World Long-Drive Titles than any other House of Forged shaft. Hall of Famer Bobby Wilson used an “Ultra” shaft to become the first long-driver to win two RE/MAX World Championship titles in one-year (the Senior and the Super Senior titles in 2009), and in 2012 this shaft was used to win two RE/MAX World Championship titles with Eric Lastowka using it to get the win in the Senior Division, while Jack Crutchfield using it to get the win in the Grand Champions Division. In 2013 Miguel Jaime continued this winning tradition for the “Ultra” by using it to win the Grand Champions division title. We run this shaft in flexes from (Stiff/X/XX/XXX)-flexes to accommodate golfers, as well as long-drivers of all levels.CPMWeightToruqueBendX256663.2High商品番号:HOF0044 商品名:House of Forged Ultra Long Drive Shaft Products Code:HOF0044 Products Name:House of Forged Ultra Long Drive Shaft